I have to admit it, I'm a little overboard about tomato plants. And this year, I started plants indoors WAY too soon.
The result - they grew way too tall before the weather got warm enough to take them outside. And, although I had some wonderful tomato cages to place over them, I waited too long to do it.
So... I damaged a lot of plants. They break pretty easily.
The day I chose to move everything outside was a busy one, and while I was working I didn't think about putting any of the broken pieces in water. But a couple of hours later I did think about it - wondering if some of those broken stems would take root.
So, I chose a few stems and put them in water. Later that night - a good 6 hours after I had swept up the broken pieces and put them into my compost bucket, I decided to see if any more pieces could be salvaged. Digging through the pile I found stems with leaves that were completely wilted and dead-looking. But I chose a few and put them in a glass.
They were still looking pretty droopy in the morning, but then I thought about the fact that Bach Flower Essences are helpful to plant life as well as people and pets. I couldn't remember which essence to use, but thought that since Feel5ive is used for stress, I'd try it. So I put a drop or two Feel5ive in each of the containers.
That was a few days ago, and now I'm thinking that in a couple more days those new "starts" will be ready to plant in soil... because they are not only perked up and looking like pretty plants, they're growing roots!
I still have cucumber and squash plants to transplant into the garden, and since those are really sensitive to transplanting, you can bet there will be Feel5ive in the watering can and they'll get a good drink as soon as they're in the ground!
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