Thursday, December 25, 2008

Holiday wishes for your health, prosperity, and joy!

This little pup asked if she could come along with me this Christmas Eve to wish you all a happy holiday season.

We hope her youth and enthusiasm for life will serve as a symbol of healthy and prosperous new beginnings as we welcome a New Year.

Whatever your dreams, follow them with joy and confidence, so that next Christmas you can say "Wow, what a wonderful year this turned out to be."

Now is the time to get started making your plans for the new year - so when January 1, 2009 rolls around, you'll already be on your way. Why not get out a pencil and paper right now - and write down your top ten goals for the year.

After each one, write down why you want to accomplish it. Then choose which goal gets top ranking and write down at least 5 things you can do to start making it happen. Don't be shocked if you go on writing more - once you start on this your thoughts will flow like a flooded river.

Now... which of those things to do can you accomplish this very day? Or at least start to accomplish?

Go do it! Then decide what you can do tomorrow, and the next day, and the next. You reach goals the same way you "eat an elephant." One bite at a time...

Remember, if you run into fear or doubt or insecurity, we'll be here to help you through those rough spots with Bach Flower Essences from Feel Bach!

Happy Holidays!

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