Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Remember your pets this holiday season

Even humans who love the Christmas season can get upset and tense because there are so many extra things to do and places to go in December.

Think of how upsetting it can be for your dogs and cats, when they don't understand the reason for it.

Most pets don't enjoy having extra people coming and going, having their routine altered because you're not home as much as normal, and the worst of all - being sent to a boarding kennel if you go out of town for the holiday.

So do them a favor. When the days begin to get hectic, add some Feel5ive to their water dishes. And if you're going to be leaving them in a kennel (or with a house sitter) instruct the care giver to do the same.

And... If you're going to be away from home more hours than usual with shopping and parties, give them "Home Alone" to help them cope with the empty house.

Dr. Bach's Remedies are perfect for people - and just as perfect for pets.

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