Monday, April 21, 2008

Even Bach Flowers can't prevent nasty weather...

You've been putting up with me whining about our ever-so-late spring here in North Idaho for weeks now. To add insult to injury, my Seattle area son has been gloating about their fine spring weather.

In fact, last week he bragged to me that he had planted his carrot seeds. And he was laughing because my garden still has a foot of snow left over from winter. Did I mention that my kid is a brat sometimes?

I was about at the point of getting a blend of Bach Flower Essences that I could take to combat jealousy.

And then yesterday I got an e-mail from that son. Attached to it was this photograph, taken of my darling grand-daughter Morgan and her dog Iris, playing in their front yard - yesterday morning.

I'm not jealous any more. The Seattle area got 7" of the white stuff - and since that's so uncommon, even in winter, I can just imagine the time they're having getting around in it. Now I feel sorry for them.

Hopefully it's nearly melted off by now, but my kid needs to take this as a lesson. If you tease your mother, Mother Nature might take offense and get even.

Let's all think sunshine...

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